School Terms and Policies

1. Registration

  • Registration is accepted on a first come first serve basis.
  • STES reserves the right to cancel classes due to insufficient enrollment.
  • Registration fee is a non-refundable per-family fee, due and payable at the time of registration.
  • Early-bird registration fee is $82 for registration received on or before August 1st. Otherwise, regular registration fee is $107.
  • Exception – Registration fee is only refundable only under one of the following circumstances:
    • STES is unable to offer the class/program you have registered.
    • Your teacher recommends the student to take a temporary break from the school term. This exception only applies to early-bird registrants who haven’t started any lesson before the start of the school year (first week of September).
  • In order to secure a spot in a program, STES must receive a completed and signed Registration Form the non-refundable registration fee, along with the followings:
    • Registration Fee: A cheque or e-transfer payable at the time of registration
    • Monthly Payment: A signed Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Plan Agreement or 9 post dated cheques (please refer to Program Fees Payment schedule in Section 2.1) and/or
    • One-time Payment: either in cash, cheque or e-transfer
    • Volunteer Commitment Deposit: a posted dated cheque or e-transfer made payable for June 15 of the following year

2. Program Fees /Tuition

2.1. Monthly Payment Option

  • Monthly payment option is only available for the Instruments Programs and First Year Instrument Preparation Program.
  • Monthly payment can be made through a Pre-Authorized Debit Plan (PAD) or posted dated cheques.
  • Please notify STES in a timely manner of any changes in cheques OR PAD that may affect the post-dated payments to reduce possibility of NSF transaction.
  • All NSF transactions are subject to a $30 administration fee.
  • Monthly class fees are based on a 9-month tuition broken down into equal payments. Numbers of classes may vary from month to month, however the fee will remain the same regardless.
  • STES collects 2 months of tuition fees in advance to secure our teachers’ availability. Please click here for Program Fees and Payment Schedule.

2.2. One Time Payment

Early Childhood Education Program (ECE) and Ensemble Program fees are subject to a one-time payment only by cheque or e-transfer only.

2.3. Partial Program Enrolment and Pro-rated Fees

Pro-rated program fees will be available for students who register into a STES program part-way through school year.

Programs Pro-rating Fees

  • Violin, Cello & Piano Partial program Enrolment is only available at the beginning of each month. Program fees are pro-rated on a monthly basis.
  • First Year Instrument Partial program Enrolment is subject availability of the program. If available, program fees are pro-rated on a monthly basis.
  • Ensemble Partial Ensemble Enrolment is $90 per month; program fees are pro-rated on a monthly basis.
  • Early Childhood Education Partial Enrolment is available at any time during the school year. Program fees are pro-rated as follow:
    • $510 ÷ 34 sessions × No of sessions remaining in the school year
    • Registration Fees Program starts Pro-Rated Registration Fee
    • September – December $107 (no pro-rating)
    • January – March $62
    • April – May $37

3. Withdrawal Policy

  • STES recommends parents to discuss with your teacher prior to making a withdrawal decision.
  • To withdraw from a program after September 01, one month’s notice in writing is required to be submitted to STES by filling out a Program Withdrawal Form.
  • The Program Withdrawal Form is available through the school office. This form is also available on the STES website. No verbal withdrawal notice.
  • A Medical Withdrawal is requested when a student is suffering from a medical condition that prevents the completion of the semester. Only illness or injuries, as it relates to the student, of extended duration are normally considered for a medical withdrawal. Medical withdrawal is exempted from the 30 day advance notice requirement.
  • A refund will be issued according to the Refund Policy stated in Section 4.

3.1. Withdraw after registration and before school term start

Please send an email to to notify your withdrawal. No Program Withdrawal Form is required.
All pre-paid tuition will be refunded.
Registration Fee is non-refundable. For exceptions, please refer to Section 1: Registration.

4. Refund Policy

Violin, Cello & First Year Instrument Program

  • Fees refund is calculated on a monthly basis. Upon receiving of your withdrawal notice, STES will arrange a refund of any prepaid monthly tuition, calculated 30 days from the date of your withdrawal notice.
  • Ensemble Program fee is non-refundable.

Early Childhood Education Program

  • Fees refund is calculated based on unused sessions. Upon receiving of your withdrawal notice, STES will arrange a refund of any unused sessions, starting 30 days from the date of your withdrawal notice.
  • All Programs Non-attendance does not constitute a cancellation of registration (i.e. dropping a class), and students will be responsible for tuition and fees not paid, except in cases of cancellation or discontinuance of classes by STES.

All Programs

  • STES is under no obligation to provide refunds, reschedule or make up lessons unless the lesson is cancelled by the teacher. If a teacher misses or cancels a lesson, at the discretion of the teacher, a make-up time is arranged at a mutual agreement.

5. Volunteer Commitment Deposit

  • Volunteer Commitment Deposit is a deposit levy on each family as a way of ensuring that there are enough people to help with the activities of the organization.
  • Volunteer Opportunities will be posted on our campus bulletin board to give parents ample time to commit to a service.
  • For families who tender a volunteer service during the school year:
    • STES will not process your deposit as stated on the Pre-authorized Debit Form
    • STES will return your posted-date cheque enclosed with this registration.
  • For families who have not signed up any volunteer service during the school year implies an automatic volunteer opt-out. STES will process the Volunteer Commitment Deposit as a donation to the society. A donation receipt will be issued upon request.

6. Attendance – Lesson Policy

No make-ups are given for 1:1 (private) lessons, group classes or events missed by students for any reason and please do not ask for exceptions.

  • 1:1 lesson time is a mutual commitment between the students and the teacher. There will be no make-up/rearrange lesson or reimbursement of tuition fees for “No-Show” or if the student misses a class or 1:1 lesson at random.
  • Please inform STES office and/or your teacher if you are going to be absent.

If the student must miss a 1:1 lesson and/or foresee the unavailability, consider the followings:

  • Arrange switching the 1:1 lesson time with another students
    • Please note that it is parents/students responsibility to make the arrangement.
    • Both students swapping lesson times must send a text, email or leave a voice mail for your teacher and/or STES office with that information.
    • The schedule and families contact info, please check with your teacher.
  • If parents are not available to come to class with the child, make an effort to find somebody else to bring your child to lesson.
  • Or parents come to class themselves even the child is not able to attend. The teacher will make use of this opportunity to discuss areas of concern, or preview some of the challenges in the future pieces. This is an opportunity to set an example to your child and show how valuable these lessons are to you!

When ill, please stay home

Not feeling well and/or have the following signs or symptoms: fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, etc., please stay home.

STES commits providing a safe and healthy environment for children, families and teachers.

  • Students and parents attending in-person lessons when ill will be sent home immediately. This decision will be at the discretion of the teacher. No makeup lessons will be given in this situation.
  • 1:1 lessons can be switched to online, and/or parent sessions under teacher’s discretion.