Suzuki method is based on the belief that every child has innate talent, and if they are put in an ideal music environment, they can all enjoy and appreciate music at a very young age.
Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, the founder of Suzuki Talent Education, applied the mother-tongue approach of how a child learns to speak a language to the learning of music. The approach is based on the assumption that a child can learn to play a musical instrument following the same principles as learning a first language. This teaching theory implies that through repetitive listening and ear-playing, music learning can unfold in a most natural way.
Based on this idea, the Suzuki method adopt the following major principles in music learning:
Early Beginning: The Suzuki method believes even babies can start learning music, as if how early they learn to expression themselves in simple baby talks.
Listening: Listening to music every day is important! Same with how baby learns to talk by listening to their parents.
Parent Involvement: Parents are involved in the musical learning as if they are teaching how their child to speak.
Repetition Constant: Repetition is essential in learning to play an instrument. Once the children can master the basic, they can use it in a new and more sophisticated ways.
Encouragement: As with language, the child’s effort to learn an instrument should be met with sincere praise and encouragement. Lessons and performance at which they learn from and are motivated by each other.